Our Approach:
To achieve client stability, mobility and flourishing, we believe the strategic utilization of wraparound services plus time will mobilize clients toward this change.
LiftUp was born from the motivation to bridge the systemic wealth gap and support low-wage workers in a sustainable and scalable way.
Together, LiftUp Communities' employment social enterprise partners provide a sharp positive departure from the conventional practices used to address poverty and strategically bring value to low-wage workers, their families and their social fabric.
In a mutually reinforcing platform, LiftUp Enterprises (LUE) and LiftUp Communities (LUC) are guided by three core measurements for those that we employ and serve:
Financial Wellness

Our Methods
Our methods toward stability focus on Financial Wellness, Resilience, Hope and Flourishing.”

Case Management Philosophy
In a familial and human-centered approach, LiftUp Communities staff case-manage and coach clients, both employees and their friends and families, in developing their own “on-ramp” plan to manage stability and get on a self-identified wealth growth path.
We bring grace, dignity and respect to every interaction to best provide our clients with nourishing and holistic wrap around services.

We offer clients opportunities to step outside of their comfort zone in environments that are comfortable for them to learn and practice key skills that will accelerate their stability and mobility.